Combining INDEX and MATCH Functions in Excel to Find Specific Items in an Array

Combining INDEX and MATCH Functions in Excel to Find Specific Items in an Array


Excel is a powerful tool that offers a wide range of functions to manipulate and analyze data. Two of the most commonly used functions for searching and retrieving data are INDEX and MATCH. While these functions are useful on their own, combining them allows you to perform more complex searches and efficiently find specific items within an array. In this blog post, we will explore how to combine INDEX and MATCH functions in Excel to effectively locate desired values in an array

Understanding the INDEX Function

The INDEX function in Excel retrieves the value from a specific cell within a given range. It takes three arguments: the range, the row number, and the column number. The syntax is as follows

INDEX(range, row_number, column_number)

By specifying the range, you define the array from which the function will extract the value

Utilizing the MATCH Function

The MATCH function is used to find the position of a specific value within a range. It takes three arguments: the lookup value, the lookup array, and the match type. The syntax is as follows

MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, match_type)

The lookup value is the item you want to find, and the lookup array is the range in which you are searching. The match type determines the type of matching to be performed (exact match or approximate match)

Combining INDEX and MATCH

To find a specific item in an array using the INDEX and MATCH functions, follow these steps

  1. Identify the range: First, determine the range in which you want to search for the desired item. This can be a single column, row, or a range that encompasses multiple cells
  2. Determine the row or column: Decide whether you are searching for the item in a row or a column within the range. This will help you specify the appropriate argument for the row or column number in the INDEX function
  3. Use MATCH to find the position: Within the desired range, use the MATCH function to find the position of the item you are looking for. Specify the lookup value as the item you want to locate and the lookup array as the range you identified in Step 1
  4. Combine INDEX and MATCH: In the INDEX function, use the result obtained from the MATCH function as the row or column number, depending on your search orientation. This will enable Excel to extract the desired value from the array

Example Scenario

Suppose you have a table of sales data with product names in column A, and you want to find the sales value of a specific product, let’s say “Product X.” Follow these steps

  1. Identify the range: Assuming your data starts from cell A1, the range would be A1:A10
  2. Determine the row or column: Since the product names are in column A, you will search for “Product X” in column A, indicating that the column number is 1
  3. Use MATCH to find the position: In an empty cell, use the MATCH function to find the position of “Product X” in the range A1:A10. The formula would be
=MATCH("Product X", A1:A10, 0)
  1. Combine INDEX and MATCH: In another cell, use the INDEX function to extract the sales value based on the row number obtained from the MATCH function. The formula would be
=INDEX(B1:B10, MATCH("Product X", A1:A10, 0))

Here, B1:B10 represents the range of sales values corresponding to the product names


By combining the INDEX and MATCH functions in Excel, you can efficiently find specific items within an array. This powerful combination allows you to perform complex searches and retrieve the desired values with ease. Whether you’re working with large datasets or smaller tables, understanding how to use these functions together will significantly enhance your data analysis capabilities in Excel